Modulator intenziteta ROF tanki film litijum niobate modulator 20g TFLN modulator
ROF 20G TFLN modulator. Thin film lithium niobate intensity modulator is a high-performance electro-optical conversion device, which is independently developed by our company and has complete independent intellectual property rights. Proizvod se pakuje visoko preciznom spojnom tehnologijom za postizanje ultra visoke efikasnosti elektrooptičke konverzije. Compared with the traditional lithium niobate crystal modulator, this product has the characteristics of low half-wave voltage, high stability, small device size and thermo-optical bias control, and can be widely used in digital optical communication, microwave photonics, backbone communication networks and communication research projects.
Optičko kašnjenje optičkog kašnjenja u ROF modl serije Motorizirana varijabla optička kašnjenja
Rof-MODL fiber optic delay line Module series electric optical adjustable delay device(Motorized Variable Optical Delay Line) is an electronic control, accurate adjustment of optical delay device, with high integration and low cost characteristics, the device can provide 300ps, 660ps, 1000ps, 1200ps, 2000ps optical delay. Precizna kontrola odgode postiže se daljinskim upravljanjem putem RS-232, RS485 ili RS422 sučelja. Za praktičnost korisnika mogu se osigurati i prenosni LCD kontroleri.